Here is how E-Learning is affecting Children

The Idea

The main context of E-Learning is to provide education to the students sitting across the border from a single place. E-Learning is a new way to grab knowledge when you are far away from that place. Although, the concept is not exclusive to society. But, this scenario is getting heat these days due to the spread of the pandemic.

While staying away from institutions knowledge seekers are getting the education through E-Learning. It was a way of learning for those who have lack of time and cannot attend the classes from their stiff schedule. Here is a new aspect observed in this process of educating through E-Learning.

The current scenario

E-Learning became a new way to educate seekers/students. It is observed across the world. Educational Institutions are shifting their classrooms online as per the situations. Education must not face hindrances due to pandemic. Here a question arose, how efficient is this E-Learning process?

The analysis of E-Learning 

The idea of e-Learning is no doubt a fabulous way to provide knowledge for seekers of knowledge. Meanwhile, everything comes with pros and cons package. Online education has its importance in the development of human beings. Hence, it also shares its shortcomings which need to take in attention.

Attention Parents!!!

The shortcomings of E-Learning’s are specifically more for children as I noticed. The more I observed were in favour of children taking their classes through E-Learning. Let's have a quick eye over them.

  1. Personal Interrogation: Taking online classes detaches students from a teacher. There is almost no way to interrogate child personally.
  2. Lack of discipline: Education is a package of teaching every aspect of life and E-Learning detaches this root as all is in their comfort zone.
  3. Social development: Being aware of how to treat and manage people around you is a thing we can learn when we interact with them. Hence, E-Learning doesn't give that space.
  4. The Brain thing: Getting knowledge with the help of gadget technology creates stress in the growing years of the child. It hindrance body development.
  5. Extra-Curricular Activities: Schools and education not just about reading and writing it's about the overall development. And hence, E-Learning fails here.


Wrapping up this conversation on a note that E-Learning is neither purely a boon nor entirely a bane. It is a technique which can be used when you have no option left to gather knowledge. And, specifically in the case of children. Be cautious, it is not the right way of learning. Learning is a multidimensional process, where you cannot attain being locked down in a room in front of your computer screen. Think wisely, and choose what is best for you and being a parent choose it for your seeds. Nourish them smartly.




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