What we should learn from the Pandemic

I believe that everything which comes to your way has a motive behind. You can also analyse this from your life incidents. And, I can assume that you agree from the fact I stated before. We face issues related to our lives and something impacts our personal life. This time the situation is not the same. The problem we have been through and still going is global. Each one of us is getting impacted through this in their way. Now when we came across the middle of this pandemic. Let's take a moment and analyse what changes it brought to your life with time. And, most importantly what lessons you should take from this time. This pandemic has given you lifelong lessons. Let's have a look.


Importance of hygiene

I am not saying you do not keep hygiene. But, this pandemic made us all realise what role hygiene plays in our daily lives. The intrinsic habit of hygiene is becoming viable now. Hygiene is the key to stay alive in this crucial phase and it always will be.

Hygiene should be lifelong now.


Financial Independence is vital

Locked down in the home, not going to work leading to financial crises. While some are working from home, some are not getting paid and many of us lost our jobs. This situation depicts we need to be financially independent. I know saying is an easy task. But, this is a lesson to take. 


Always keep yourself ready financially top face the cash crunch by having multiple sources of income.


Power of Technology

Power of technology is what we realised through this pandemic. The work which we used to accomplish by gathering together is now taking action online. The E-learning made students study uninterruptedly. Video conferencing made all tiers even governments and nations to interact smoothly.

Hence, technology is way smarter and helpful beyond scrolling and chatting.Us wisely.


Importance of Freedom

We have never thought before that anyone could stop you from going malls, eating in restaurants, travelling around. But, now we have realised the value of freedom. Remember, nothing in this world is free. 

Next, when you will get permission to hang around, goof up and walk with freedom. 

Do appreciate the value you paid for this freedom.


Family Importance

This pandemic made peoples closer to their family. People left with no choice except talking to them spending time with them. This bridged a new ambience of togetherness. Now you know your family better than before.

 Give time to your families even after lockdown.

Skills development

Pandemic impacted peoples mind in a fantastic way. Each one of us generated interest and tried to learn something new and restarted old creativity. Utilising the time, many of us got the motives of life from nowhere but itself.


Do self interrogate yourself time to time and keep adding values.

Wrapping up this conversation with the point that everything in this world comes with features and flaws. It is your perspective to take it as you want. Obviously, the pandemic has nothing good in it. It is just creating destruction around the globe. But, taking the best from worst is also an art. So, be artistic always.

Keep the positivity intact and don't let the dark enter into your minds!!!



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