How to do effortless note making

Note making is something that's not so interesting. And, when it comes to writing theories for learning your syllabus, it's even boring.

But, hey !! what If I say, you can make it interesting and effortless. So, first, find an answer to this.

Why we do note-making?

We do this to remember our learning, to keep intact the knowledge we have gained during those really long lectures.

Note making is part of our language writing as well. When I was in school, I found students struggling and getting frustrated out of not able to make comprehensive notes. On the other hand, note-making wasn't tough for me.
So, without letting you get bored out of stuff. Let's head into the note-making process.

Know the context

Keep your concept crystal clear for once.
First, keep your concept clear about the context. Read from sources and transform this knowledge into a one-paragraph summary. This summary should not contain unnecessary stuff, as we are not writing to stuff examination sheets.
For example 

Personality development 

Personality development refers to the representation yourself, in front of your audience. It reflects your efficiency and tendency to whom the individual is coordinating. It is not an inbuilt art which can be acquired by constant efforts towards improvising your inner-self in order to enhance your outer self.

Write what can make you revive all your concept when you revise your notes.

Subheadings are saviours

A subheading should consist of the body of your paragraph. When it strikes again to your eyes, it should be able to recall the gist of the context. Let's see an example

  1. Be Confident: define the context in two-three lines with valuable words.
  2. Improve Your Communication Skills: define the context in two-three lines with valuable words.
  3. Dress Up Well: same define well....and so on
Headings can make you win the race. They revive the context.

Stuff your notes with valuable vocabulary

Remember vocab impacts your readers. The more efficient you write the more impactful your score would be. Stuff your note-making with vocab you want to use when you write them into your exam sheets. It can make you stand out and score outstanding.

Keep the free advises in your pocket.

Wrap up with All important one-liners

Make a conclusion and make it worth it. Your revision and one-liner statement which is quoted by someone, mention them in conclusion or footnotes. Theses one-liners are to include while describing your topic. 

The quoted text makes your answer writing reliable and impactful for gaining score.

Here, I am attaching a format of note-making, in conclusion, to give an outline for your note-making. And, remember it is for your own revision, a trick to pack your knowledge into minimum words.

And you are done for your own introspection. Note making is a one-time investment you do it once. Revisit it whenever in a hurry or heading for exams. You can apply it even for other things in order to remember

Any suggestion? drop a mail or comment below. I would love to hear from you.


  1. Hi sister you have done a good job. A two years back when I was studying eighth standard, I was selected for a Young scientist program, So I have attended many lectures and took notes for my report. I found taking notes while listening to lectures are really difficult, because we can't concentrate on both. That made me to skip many parts. Can you suggest a few ideas for that.

  2. Yes sure ,I'll mail you some tips shortly .☺️


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