Lockdown 4.0: How nation will Operate

Prime Minister announced the onset of Lockdown phase 4.0 with certain new frameworks. Hence, prime minister asked States to give advice on what Lockdown 4.0 should consist of. As, the economy is already divided into three major zones i.e, Red, Green, Orange and in addition Containment Zone.

In a meeting, with the chief ministers of states this week. Majorly, states suggested resuming delivery services with some added precautions. Whereas, containment zones should continue to be in strict lockdown. States like Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, Gujarat and Delhi have suggested resuming all economies in non-containment zones. However, to bring the economy back in regulation the workflow chain should be maintained again. As due to the lockdown Indian economy is going through the crucial phase. It is the time to bring the nation again in transition but, obviously gradually.

States like Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Jharkhand and Odisha form where majorly labour sections hail from. Migrants are still moving due to lack of resources. Therefore they decided to extend lockdown keeping in mind the seriousness. It's substantial to release some restrictions to relieve stress from the nation. States urges PM Modi to extend lockdown along with relaxation in norms.


Things to take in concern for Lockdown 4.0


  • Majorly states are looking ahead to remove restrictions from the E-commerce sector.
  • The construction sector seems to become flexible to provide labourers employment and to break the chain of migrants.
  • Only special trains are running for migrants. Hence, regular train’s services seem to remain closed.
  • Domestic flights are still in between. And, international flights are not in favour of any State.
  • Regarding the inter-state movement, states have a mixed response and called for measures to ensure strict monitoring.

  • With every relaxation, there are measures to be taken in care to accomplish work.
  • Public transport could be on wheels again with some really strict rules.
  • CM Kejriwal suggested that private offices should be allowed to open at 50 per cent capacity.
  • Using electronic measures as much as possible to accomplish tasks along with minimal contact.
  • Rapid screening, Essential rules for Offices, Offices with 50% staff, Transport with fewer Passengers etc. are the measures prescribed by States. 


The official announcement of lockdown phase 4.0 is just one day far. The possible outcomes are as mentioned and these are the only ways to resume services with calculated risk. Many nations have initiated their journey to resume economical activities while the following measure. Countries like Germany, Moscow, Britain etc have started their hotels, parks, public places, and offices. With all the measures taken strictly. 
India has to follow restrictions strictly to bring wheels back on track. Hope you get it!!!


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