How the Pandemic is Affecting Life of People

As we roll our eyes over the world we can easily identify the changes going on in lives on a global level. The outbreak of Corona Virus has left the world in threat. The corona virus outbreak made our lives completely unacceptable. It brought us the changes we were never expecting of. The world has never confronted this type of outbreak ever before. Nations are united by a fatal virus for the first time ever.The danger of being touched by an infected person was never this deadly. Generations confronted the pandemic of century, COVID 19 (corona virus) the planet is in front of an unseen fatal pandemic. Pandemics are large scale outbreaks of a fatal disease.

In Result, the entire planet is set to remain in quarantine. As, the virus is supposed to spread through touching. The humans are supposed to live in lock down to break the chain. Let’s move forward and have a look over the journey of this outbreak.

The epicenter
Everything takes its origin from some point over the earth. So as this virus, this all started from the country China. It took a boom in the city of Wuhan. It became the reason for thousands of deaths over China and millions globally. Including America, Germany, Italy, India its spread in over 80% of nations of the earth. It is destroying economies on economical, physical and in every possible way. Viruses traveled the way with the passengers of countries as the carrier of virus. WHO announced corona virus a pandemic as soon as they discovered the horrific spread of corona virus.

Global Precautions
World gets united when the global crisis arrives whether wars, attack or pandemic. And, this needs to be controlled by being together. The outbreak of the corona virus made the nations stand together and take some brutal decisions for citizens for their safeguards. Here, are the measures taken by countries:
Shutdown/Lock down/Quarantine: 
Keeping distance is the biggest precaution as of now for being away from the reach of corona virus. Countries unitedly enforced the global lock down. People are advised to follow quarantine in order to keep their lives safe. The streets, markets, public places, schools, offices, malls every place where people used to gather are in shutdown. Peoples are locked down in their own houses. Governments even after knowing the fact that the lock down is a huge economical loss enforced it. As, saving lives is higher than any gains. Human capital is the biggest asset of any nation.

Maintaining Hygiene
Hygiene is another vital part of the precaution to stay away from the reach of corona virus. Virus resides in bodies, things, air effects by entering into your body and destructs the immune system. This is the simple way to know how it works. And, it is deadly as hell. Maintaining hygiene by keeping surrounding clean, washing hands time to time, sanitation keeps away the risk of being infected. A single infection could give rise to a chain.
This is why, social distancing is enforced by Governments.

Changes Lock down Brought in every life
Getting locked down in your own house seems like being in a cage. We aren’t allowed to roam around, hangout at your places, go to work, meet loved ones. Nothing usual is happening around, time seems like it has stopped somewhere. Every life is experiencing a never before situation. A usual routine where we used to go to the office, school or markets are no more.. Bounded in our own boundaries we just have access to the internet. 
Some people are working from home. But, the work isn't the same anymore. The schedule word is not appearing anywhere. 
Let’s take a moment of four months before, each one out of us was freaking busy with their work. And, was dying to have a long holiday. Now the tables got turned. No one ever supposed to get holidays like this. This global lock down gave us time to think upon ourselves.
People all over the globe are facing many circumstances..Some are in between ways stuck somewhere, some are away from their homes. Some are losing their jobs. Many of them are going through financial crises.
Some of us are going through a phase of depression. Few of them are looking over planning for upcoming things, polishing skills, gaining knowledge. Just a matter of perspective.
People are having their own perspective of taking this time.
The Savior ? 
Internet and social media turned out as a savior in this crucial time of lock down. Along with a medium of passing time making this boring time entertaining internet turned out as the strongest power to regulate work. In this crucial time people are spending their major time over social media taking pros and cons of this. 
People till the unlocking of streets could be addicted to their networks. As, if now no other option is there to pass the time but, this shouldn't be an addiction. Meanwhile, on the other hand the generations are getting a new way to regulate things. The classes, institutes, exams, offices and what not. Majorly Vital works are running over the internet for the feasibility of smooth running of nations. Hence, lock down doesn't stand for locking down studies, work, and creativity. And of course it doesn't stand for falling into depression.  
Take the positives of circumstance and help your nation to fight back this pandemic equally, without getting biased. Keep the asset of human capital as worthy as it was always.
Corona virus is definitely a fatal condition for the world to face and a very crucial time to face. Let’s try not to fall into depression, try to be as productive as we were. It takes patience and courage to fight back against such a massive battle. Evolve as a community to interact with the world without physical interaction, which is definitely possible. While many of us who live in cities have Wi-Fi and high-speed internet available, people who live in rural areas do not, leading to a potential gap of information in times of crisis. The time is more crucial for them. The peoples who are facing starvation are also there. It needs unity to fight back. 
Some industries are gaining fruits while some are going through significant losses. Daily wage workers are in crises, peoples are losing their jobs.
Despite the term and seriousness of COVID-19, it will leave a lasting effect on our general public.


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